How is Talent Nova free?
Talent Nova's services are being offered at no cost due to the support of a generous sponsor.
Who is Talent Nova for?
Talent Nova is for justice impacted job seekers looking for support in the application, interview, and onboarding process.
Designed with talent coaches and job seekers, we provide direct coaching and features to support your success in landing your next career move.
What is Talent Nova's Mission?
Talent Nova was born of the belief that all people deserve equitable access to the careers they’re qualified for – regardless of their record.
We are a passionate group with expertise in an array of disciplinary backgrounds, like human resources, advocacy, business, marketing and reentry – and many of us are justice-impacted.
Talent Nova is not just a platform, it’s a launching pad. It’s designed to equip justice-impacted people with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to navigate the modern workforce while pursuing and unlocking economic advancement.
What problem is Talent Nova looking to solve for Justice Impacted Talent?
Landing your next job can be daunting and draining, especially with a conviction history – we’re here to provide coaching, motivation and real world recruiting strategies to support your job search.
We are also here to provide guidance and advice to overcome the challenges that many of us face when applying for a job.